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The State Universities Annuitants Association (SUAA) is a statewide organization serving as the voice of current employees and retirees in the State Universities Retirement System (SURS). The Kankakee Community College Chapter of SUAA is one of 53 chapters on nearly every public community college and university campus in Illinois.

In Spring 2019, SUAA worked with legislators to increase the 3% cap on salaries to 6% for community college employees. Without SUAA, the 6% increase would have only applied to public school teachers! 

SUAA is the only advocacy organization [501(c)(4)] that focuses solely on preserving SURS pension and retiree healthcare benefits for public community college and university employees and retirees, their spouses or partners, and their survivors both in and out of state. In addition, members of other state retirement systems (TRS, SERS, etc.) benefit from SUAA's advocacy. 

In 2016-2017, SUAA spearheaded a campaign entitled "Higher Education Creates Jobs." The campaign emphasizes the role of higher education in creating jobs and a healthy economy for Illinois. The Illinois Press Association commended SUAA for this effort.

SUAA works with its membership to assure that legislators, executive officers, and other policymakers are knowledgeable about member issues. SUAA lobbies for higher education, sound pension policy, and state revenue reforms.

The KCC Chapter of SUAA invites all current employees and retirees, their spouses, partners, survivors, and supporters to join SUAA. Every additional member increases our voice in Springfield! Click here to join.


KCCAA Membership Meeting

Chicago Dough Company (In person)

Monday, October 24, 2022

 5:30-7:30 pm


SUAA Executive Director

Linda Brookhart




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